DOWNLOAD PROBLEMS WITH EXCEL SPREADSHEETS (2 November 2000, BRH): 1. Your browser does not give you the option of opening or saving a spreadsheet file when you select it. SOLUTION: hold Shift key while click (Windows); hold Option key while clicking (Mac). 2. Your browser displays nonsense characters on the screen after you a spreadsheet file (it has opened a spreadsheet as if it were a text file) SOLUTION: Same as #1 above. 3. After downloading a spreadsheet with Netscape, the file will not open. SOLUTION: Internet Explorer will download Excel spreadsheets correctly. To allow users of Netscape to download Excel files we have compressed them. In the process the name is changed to end with ".zip". After saving the downloaded file to your disk, use an unzip program (just click on the file with newer versions of Windows) to expand and rename the file. Example: Original name Name for download G0009.xls