Lehigh Weather
Station 1, Goodman Campus (part of WeatherNet)
Lehigh University Weather and Stream
Monitoring Stations (Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, USA)
Welcome to the instrument charecteristics site of the CR 10x
Campbell Scientific CR10XCommunication: Proxim RangeLAN2 spread spectrum radio modem linked to telephone modem in Goodman Pressbox Power: two 7AHr batteries, 10 W solar panel Sensors: Met3 wind spreed and direction Vaisaila HMP45C tempeture and % relativehunidity Vaisaila barometer (calibrated for ambient pressure; not corrected to sea level) CSI 108 thermister (Tair2 and Tsoil) CSI enclosre % RH sensor SR-50 ultrasonic snow/water level sensor range, min-0.5 m 19.7 inches range, max-10 m 393.7 inches Tair corr.? L(0 degrees CM= L(raw m) * |
(this is supposed to correct for changes in the density of air with temperature) Apparently sound travels faster in warm air, yielding underestimates of distance with this sensor unless the correction is applied Using CSI equation for temperature correction: 5 100.9 % 25 104.5 % 3.6 % Temperature error is about 9% over seasonal range of air temperatures (-20C to + 30 C) equiv to error of 0.053 m from coldest to warmest 0.003 m per degree C (approx) equiv to error of 2.1 inches from coldest to warmest 0.11 inches per degree C (approx) |
But regressing baseline
level changes to air temperature suggests that this equation gives 10x too
strong a response and
inappropriate Alternative baseline correction: the daily pattern of
variation best matches the rate of change of soil T Battery voltage was rather well correlated with daily changes in baseline, but this was apparently because solar charging of the battery covaries with solar heating of the ground. After making a linear correction for this (slope = 0.0181 and r2=13%) no other measured factor correlates with the residual variation. This correction removes mid-day peaks in the baseline but only reduces the residual baseline variation 13% for the month. The residual baseline variation (range, +/- 1.2 cm) is probably caused by ground roughness and echo from nearby objects (affected by air conditions. |
Field of View
22 degrees estimated r = 0.194 x height = field of view radius min r = 0.097 m at 0.5 m distance max r = 1.94 m at 10 m distance installed height 1.478 m 58.19 inches installed r = 0.287 m 11.29 inches |
Required Maintance: Desiccant should be replaced annually in the transducer housing and the main body of the sensor (see manual for details, the sensor head is removed via 4 countersunk philips screws) |