Installed new weather station (#4) and netbook on 13Nov10. Data recording began 11:50am edt at 5min intervals. Plan to add soil/leaf station but not installed yet. Attached station to metal pole and RR bridge abutment (top of LNE trail at Gap) Also plan to attach battery supplement (solar powered) after making power cables (need to identify proper jack and plug from Digikey and order parts) Suggestion to reinforce mast: add wire cable from mast to new interpretation sign; currently a light rope is attached. This serves to retard shifting of the old wooden post that the mast is attached to. For long term, replace wooden post with a new one set in concrete near same location, with same ability to pivot down for maintenance, but with a bracket that is easier to work with (now the hole tolerance is too close so bolts are tricky to align with brackets) removed rain gage heater on 28Nov10 in preparation for moving station Reattached rain gage heater on 22Jan11 but no sign yet that it is actually working.